

Total 51 / Search Condition:2016

Collection Fine art
Past Exhibition
Collection Fine art Feb. 18, 2016 ― Mar. 26, 2016
Collection Antique
Past Exhibition
Collection Antique Feb. 18, 2016 ― Mar. 26, 2016
Fine arts in Ishikawa - Modern -
Past Exhibition
Fine arts in Ishikawa - Modern - Feb. 18, 2016 ― Mar. 26, 2016
Crafts in Ishikawa Ⅲ - Lend variety to dietary culture -
Past Exhibition
Crafts in Ishikawa Ⅲ - Lend variety to dietary culture - Feb. 18, 2016 ― Mar. 26, 2016
Ishikawa of war paintings
Past Lecture
Ishikawa of war paintings Mar. 5, 2016
The flower of Kaga domain
Past Exhibition
The flower of Kaga domain Mar. 31, 2016 ― Apr. 19, 2016
Celebrated fabrics & incense utensils
Past Exhibition
Celebrated fabrics & incense utensils Mar. 31, 2016 ― Apr. 19, 2016
The 72th Contemporary arts exhibition -Oil painting & Crafts & Photograph-
Past Exhibition
The 72th Contemporary arts exhibition -Oil painting & Crafts & Photograph- Apr. 2, 2016 ― Apr. 19, 2016
Celebrated fabrics & incense utensils
Past Exhibition
Celebrated fabrics & incense utensils Apr. 23, 2016 ― May. 15, 2016
The essence of the culture in Kaga domain
Past Exhibition
The essence of the culture in Kaga domain Apr. 23, 2016 ― May. 15, 2016
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