
About Us

Mission Statement

Fundamental Philosophy

  1. Promote sophisticated arts and culture based on the traditional arts and crafts of Ishikawa Prefecture.
  2. Collect and exhibit art works which are related to Ishikawa Prefecture.
  3. Provide a friendly space that is open to the citizens through attractive activities.
  4. Play a core role in the arts and culture and provide information services.
The Collection

The collection focuses on works related to the regional culture, including the history and the arts and crafts traditions of Ishikawa. Our philosophy encourages us to try to enhance the permanent exhibition department.

  1. Categorical collection of excellent art works related to Ishikawa.
  2. Historical collection of Japanese fine art masterpieces.
  3. Collection of art information and materials.
Conservation and Restoration

The whole building is temperature and humidity controlled (by computer) to provide the best possible environment for preservation of the cultural properties: temperature 20~24ºC, humidity 60~65%, annual temperature change modestly follows the seasonal temperature.
In April, 1975 the museum was designated as a recommended and admitted facility for designated cultural properties based on the Law for the Protection of Cultural Property. Since then it has played an important role in the exhibition and preservation of our cultural properties.
Conservation And Restoration Studio of Cultural Properties, Ishikawa Prefecture was established in 1997. Since then we have conducted restorations of cultural properties, promoted repair techniques and nurtured the careers of budding repair specialists.

Research and Studies

Promotional activities carried out are designed to inform Japan and other countries of the regional characteristics of Ishikawa, focusing on the regional culture and artists related to the prefecture. Museological research is also carried out and expanded, with the results being reflected in the exhibitions and outreach. The museum’s information services are constantly available.

Mid-term Management Objectives(FY 2015 – FY 2017)

Following the 2011 Ishikawa Administrative and Financial Reform Principles, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art formulated mid-term management objectives to help achieve a set of management objectives for 3 years between FY 2015 and FY 2017. A report is given on the status of the initiatives.

Mid-term management objectives
  • Increase the number of visitors by 3% in 3 years.
  • Increase visitor satisfaction by 95% in 3 years.
  • Decrease general funds investment per visitor by 5% in 3 years.
Details of main initiatives to reach set objectives
  • Run surveys for visitors and exhibit items reflecting their needs.
  • Strengthen advertising by partnering with other cultural facilities around Kenrokuen Garden.
  • Attract more foreign visitors by installing exhibition guide signs written in English and other means.
  • Review outsourced tasks and reduce costs.
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